If you have a NJ Carry Permit, here are the places you can and can not carry.
YES (Places you can carry)
The provisions of law that currently may not be enforced (aka, you can carry), in whole or in part, under the PI are as follows:
• YES N.J.A.C. 7:2–2.17(b) [preexisting law]: STATE PARK Service property.
• YES 7(a)(20): an airport. [PARTIAL – The Court clarified that Chapter 131 does not prohibit carry while dropping off or picking up passengers at curbside. The Court also ruled that while the PI is in effect, individuals may check a firearm as checked luggage while traveling pursuant to federal law so long as the individual stores the firearm as required by federal law before physically entering the airport and upon entry immediately proceeds to the required area to check the baggage containing the firearm. The individual cannot travel to any other section of the airport until the bag containing the firearm is checked. The Court did not rule on whether a person may carry inside any portion of the airport, and, other than the foregoing, the prohibition of carrying a firearm in an airport remains in effect. The Court did not issue an injunction as to transportation hubs and therefore that prohibition remains in effect.] • YES 7(a)(23): a public location being used for making motion picture or television images for theatrical, commercial or educational purposes, during the time such location is being used for that purpose;
• YES 7(a)(24): PRIVATE PROPERTY, unless the owner has provided express dissent or has posted a sign indicating that it is not permissible to carry on the premises. However, the injunction only applies to property “held open to the public.” We interpret this ruling to mean that the Court did not issue an injunction for residential property or commercial property not held open to the public. Thus, we understand that the injunction applies to private property where the public may enter without seeking express permission, that is, where the public can walk in the door without asking.
• YES 7(b)(1): prohibition on carrying a loaded firearm in a vehicle.
NO (Places you can’t carry)
NO 7(a)(1): Place of government administration
NO 7(a)(24): Private property (as to property that is not held open to the public)
NO 7(a)(2): Courthouse
NO 7(a)(3): Correctional facility
NO 7(a)(4): State contracted half-way house
NO 7(a)(10): Playground only
NO 7(a)(5): Polling place
NO 7(a)(9): Nursery school, pro-school, summer camp (excluding zoo)
NO 7(a)(7): School, college, university or other education institution
NO 7(a)(8): Child care facility
NO 7(a)(11): Youth sport events
NO 7(a)(13): Homeless shelter
NO 7(a)(20): Airport (except curbside drop off/pickup & air travel pursuant to federal law) or transportation hub
NO 7(a)(21): Healthcare facility (all categories except medical office and ambulatory care facility)
NO 7(a)(16): Cannabis retailer or dispensary
NO 7(a)(19): Energy plant
NO 7(a)(22): Addiction or mental health treatment facility
NO 7(a)(14): Licensed community residence for disabled terminally ill, etc.
NO 7(a)(6): within 100 feet of a place where a public gathering, demonstration or event is held for which a government permit is required, during the conduct of such gathering, demonstration or event.
NO 7(a)(9): zoo [the injunction only applies to zoos, not the other items listed in section 9.]
NO 7(a)(10): a park, beach, recreation facility or area or playground owned or controlled by a State, county or local government unit, or any part of such a place, which is designated as a gun-free zone by the governing authority based on considerations of public safety. [The prohibition on carry in playgrounds is still enforceable for now.]
NO 7(a)(12): Library and museum
NO 7(a)(15): Restaurant or bar
NO 7(a)(17): Entertainment venues privately or publicly owned and operated within this State, including but not limited to a theater, stadium, museum, arena, racetrack or other place where performances, concerts, exhibits, games or contests are held.
NO 7(a)(18): Casino and related facilities, including but not limited to appurtenant hotels, retail premises, restaurant and bar facilities, and entertainment and recreational venues located within the casino property.
NO N.J.A.C. 13:69D–1.13 [preexisting law]: within a CASINO or CASINO SIMULCASTING FACILITY.
NO 7(a)(21): a health care facility, but only as to a medical office or ambulatory care facility. The prohibitions remain in effect as to all other categories of health care facilities.
Disclaimer: This is a description of actions taken by the Court and not a guide as to where or how firearms may be carried, or what special conditions may apply. This is not legal advice and should not be relied upon as much. Consult your own attorney before carrying a handgun outside your home.
ANJRPC.com members can direct basic legal questions at no charge to retained counsel listed in News & Briefs. These rulings are only temporary and may be changed from time to time. The category descriptions used above are shorted for convenience – please refer to the actual statutory language to determine the full extend of the legal prohibitions.
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